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Old April 26th, 2007, 05:42 PM

jutetrea jutetrea is offline
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Default Re: Vanilla Mods to Official Mods-The *OUML*

I like the idea, just don't think it will gather a ton of steam.

Are we offering up mods we think should be included in every MP game, i.e. a change to "vanilla" play on a consistent basis?

If so I propose adding "Worthy Heroes"

If we are offering up mods we think are just well done and should be looked upon favorably, that's different and I think they should go onto some central voting site. For example, if I want to see what's available I would be able to see the top 10 rated mods and have a good idea that they'll be quality.

I love the healing gods mod - gives all pretenders (even AI) recuperation. I think its great for SP, yet would be kind of crud for MP as the recup ability is a powerful deciding factor. (I'd still love to see it, just don't think its really fair

I like the mytheology mod as well for SP, just haven't installed the newest version yet to see if its balanced. (last version had 1 or 2 small tweaks needed)

I also use the light cavalry and militia mod as I agree the units are pretty weak, and the change is nice. Again, not sure for MP, although I do not think the changes are all that earth-shattering.

I personally dislike a lot about the CB mod, yet I use the scales module consistently. Lots of folks like it, shrug.
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