Re: Conceptual Balance (Discussion)
Could not read whole thread, i read the few few pages.
1. MA Ulm, nothing about Ulm warrants the curse of their units and commanders having 9 mr. This defect was remedied, in Aarlens, black steel Ulm mod, which i think made them more viable.
2. MA Pangaea's Pans are good, no old age, but Pangaea is severely limited on research with only a 350 gold mage for 8 research. The limited access to magical paths, combined with expensive research, a 30 admin, castle,and paying a penalty to get mercenaries, more than make up for the recuperation and strong units. MA arcosaphale also heals afflictions, has tough units, but has much better research, astral mages, access to many branches of magic, better castles, no mercenary penalty, and is a much better race endgame.
I would suggest giving the pan 1 additional
research point or dropping the cost to 300 gold.
"War is an art and as such is not susceptible of explanation by fixed formula."
- General George Patton Jr.