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Old April 27th, 2007, 04:50 PM
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Default Re: Gaea, Cradle of Forests

I am compiling a list of changes currently.

I am going to lower the Nymph seduction by one step. If I lower it beyond that, I am afraid she will stand no chance of seducing national commanders in the late game. I am also going to raise her summon cost a bit to discourage hording her. I am going to leave enslave on her.

I am also going to add a few new summon spells to the nation , I haven't ironed out any specifics on that yet.

It seems at the moment, that everyone agrees that the nation is challenging, which is what I wanted. But, massing Nymphs is too powerful and people are wanting a larger variety of units to field.

So this mod will see atleast one more version it looks like. When I update mods, I like to accumulate as many changes as possible before updating, that way there is not a new version of the mod every few days. This mod is still version 1.00 and will probably see a 1.01, a 1.02 at most.
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