Re: Gaea, Cradle of Forests
Sounds good. The Nymphs are currently very good at seducing, though I have now seen it fail occasionally. They usually win anyway with the enslave mind attack, though, if scripted to Fire Closest (if not scripted and Tangle Vines is available though, they can get themselves killed).
Nymph spam is definitely currently the way to go, at least at first, even if they didn't have N3. They seem like by far the best deal at 15N, and are the clear choice for using gems to expand.
The first two summons (hurler and ent) seem overpriced, particularly since they are immobile. I don't yet see how it can be true that ents will become the backbone of the army.
I am thinking it would be good to give them cheap/easier versions of the nature spells which are thematic for Gaea but not so efficient for other nations, like animal summons, Sprits of the Wood, Strength of Gaia(!), Wild Growth, Faerie Trod, Faerie Court, Enchanted Forest, Beckoning, etc.