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Old April 28th, 2007, 10:00 AM

Sombre Sombre is offline
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I don't even think it's that important to be able to do them super fast - I mean even without changing the borders and whatnot you can still get the sprite out cleanly and make the shadow in under a couple of minutes.

I really think there's no need to go extracting all the sprites, since it's so easy to just get the ones you need from right clicking 'em on the recruit screen and following the method. The rest can be got from the monster file cabinet map. I mean having all the sprites to hand would be nice and all, but it would only save you a few minutes - modifying them to look different instead of trying to extract them is what takes the time now, as it should be.

For sure the biggest thing to happen on this forum. Crazy that we only just got this working.
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