Gandalf Parker said:
Of course there are still some that could stand to be made more useful so maybe its just the idea of generating an apparently long list of "useless" spells that bugs me. With so many dud units and dud nations and useless spells its a wonder that anyone visiting the forum bothers to try this game at all.
I'm really sorry to go breaking the flow of this thread, but I'm getting tired of this kind of attitude. Why are people who are discussing problems with the game often accused of 'hating' the game? If people didn't like dominions3 they wouldn't be pointing out which spells are overcosted or underpowered and trying to fix them in mods, would they? Same deal for pointing out problems with the AI, higlighting units that they'd never build, trying to restore some balance to the Vans etc etc.
Some spells and units and so on in Vanilla just aren't balanced. No-one is claiming the game is bad, no-one is badmouthing the devs, no-one is being overly negative. It's just that there's no point in making lists of units/spells/nations that don't have balance problems is there? Acting like everything is perfect and labelling everyone who disagrees as 'haters', 'whiners' and people with no interest in RP, singleplayer etc is just silly.
As for people not trying the game, if they're daft enough to come to the conclusion that the game is bad by reading a couple of threads pointing out issues to be fixed (this game has active modders and fairly regular patches as a major reason to buy it in my opinion) then that's their problem. And if they measure up the good and bad of dom3 (and yes, there /is/ a list of bad points) and decide they don't want to buy the game,... how is that a bad thing? They're just making an informed decision. I personally get a lot of enjoyment from Dom3, but there are plenty of people who wouldn't and I'd never want to give them the wrong impression of the game, resulting in them buying it an being unhappy.