Re: Gaea, Cradle of Forests
Version 1.01 of this mod is now available. Just download this attachment for the new version.
Here is a list of the changes!
Bug fixes------------
None reported
Unit Changes---------
- No longer has enslave mind.
- No longer has fist attack.
- New ability "Enslavement" added.
- Attack increased by 2.
- Summoning cost raised to 20 nature gems.
NOTE: After further testing, I decided to leave the Nymphs with #seduce 15. With this seduction value, they succeed most the time against independent commanders and they have a chance of seducing the national commanders, which is how I intended this ability to be used to compensate for the weakness in mobility of the nation.
- Gem cost lowered to 60 nature gems.
- Ancients now have nature 6 instead of 5.
Sylvan Beauty
- Sylvan Beauty no longer has enslave mind.
- Sylvan Beauty no longer has fist attack.
- Sylvan Beauty now has "Enslavement".
- Casting cost on "Consorts of Leaves" lowered.
New Spells-------------------
Fade into the Veil
This spell gives the caster body ethereal. This spell was added to give the Nymphs more survivability now that their enslavement is a touch attack. It is also useful for building thugs out of the more powerful units such as Force of Nature and The Ancient.
March of Ants
Gaea is limited on combat magic. This spell should help alleviate the issue a little bit. It is a combat summon that creates a small group of magically enlarged ants.
Plague of Dragonflies
Another combat summon spell. This spell summons a massive swarm of dragonflies that can impede enemy units. Unlike swarm, this spell costs no gems to cast.
NOTE: Dragonflies have a strength of 0. This can cause instances where combat sequences cannot play out, resulting in battle reaching 75 turns. I believe the devs are changing Dragonflies to str 1 next patch to fix this.
Call of the Pack
This spell works exactly like Call of the Wild except that it has less effects per casting, can be casted by nature 3 mages, and costs less gems.
Army of Gaea
This is a more powerful version of the Animal Horde spell.
Wrath of Nature
This spell sends an Ancient Presence to assassinate an enemy commander.
Nature's Migration
This is a powerful teleportation spell. It is castable by the Ancient, allowing him and his army to teleport to any land province on the map. This spell should allow the Ancient to join the fights in the late game.