Foodstamp said:
You make it sound so easy. I may take a stab at graphic editing.
I have a week of free time. I might make a few simple tutorials, mainly about which tools of Gimp you want to use.
Many nice tools affect the whole layer, so I move copy sprites into new layers pretty often, then use recoloring tool to change their color. Sometimes I have two-three layers of these recolored sprites, with various transparency settings, so that one makes a Great Eagle red, another (recolored orange and with high contrast and adjusted brightness) gives its wings bright red-yellow tips, and a third is another red eagle, almost transparent, that softens the deep shadows of the high-contrast layer a bit. SAttached, and shown below, is a double-size version of a sprite I posted into Fiery Caelum thread. Don't use this jpg in mods!
As for Gandalf's comment...
I can make new layers, and paste content into them. I can also adjust their transparency level. That's all I do with layers, and it already allows all kinds of tricks. At least with Gimp's interface, it isn't hard.