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Old April 30th, 2007, 02:55 AM

Saxon Saxon is offline
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Default Re: Guide to EA Mictlan and bloodhunting

Very helpful again, thank you. I will avoid the patrolling.

If I have labs in each blood hunting province, I can pool the slaves nicely. However, if I do not, I have to shuttle them around with cheap or highly mobile units. If a lab costs 500 gold, it seems that a scout or flying turkey mage are really the most cost effective methods over quite long time horizons. Micromanagement saves cash…

However, what if my mages are full and still hunt? Do they not collect, because they have no place to store them? Then there is a higher cost to not having a lab.

Given that I usually have other things to do with my 500 gold, it does seem that buying extra scouts would be the cost effective way of handling this. Unless you have found a sneaky way around the problem you would like to share with us…
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