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Old May 5th, 2007, 03:39 PM
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Default Re: Update To Version 3.08 Of Dominions 3 Today!

Edi said:
NT Jedi, the question is, are Umbrals enough to make Agartha unbalanced? And I'm not talking about SP games here.
In my experience of MP and I play alot of MP, Umbrals do not make the nation unbalanced. Indeed EA & MA Agartha seem to struggle in MP. I believe this to be because the nation takes a long time to get going and so suffers early on.

LA Agartha is a nation who can more than hold its own.

NTJedi said:Based on how powerful Umbrals are on the battlefield their gem cost should be at least 8 death gems each. They are one of the best units for casting gift of reason.
They should definately not cost 8D gems. Perhaps a increase of 1 or 2 Deaths gems but no more.
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