Re: Umbrals & Agartha Balance (v3.08)
GoR'd Umbrals can, with some reasonably easy to forge equipment, become pretty decent low-cost SCs. I'm sure there are better chassis for the end-game, but probably not many that can compete in terms of gem cost and low research levels required.
Even so, I really don't think they qualify as overpowered, Particularly in the context of the nation that can summon them. They are definately GOOD. They didn't NEED amphibious, though thematically, it makes sense... (why would the ghosts of ancient pale ones suddenly forget how to breathe water?)
As mentioned by previous posters, they are not all that easy to mass, and are not a rush threat. By the time an agarthan player is able to produce them in any quantity, others should be able to come up with an answer.
Additionally, I always find death gems in very short supply in EA and MA. Skull Staves and Skull mentors eat a LOT of gems. Mages are expensive (even the "cheap" ones), and with agarthas "quirky" national troops, it can be difficult to expand quickly.
My feeling is, that if an agartha player has gotten to the point where he can manage to produce Umbrals in any significant quantity, then gosh durn it he DESERVES those yummy hunks of etherial beefcake.
I don't have a lot of MP experience, so there may well be ways to exploit umbrals such that there is no reasonable counter, but I've not stumbled on it yet, and not for lack of trying.