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Old May 6th, 2007, 12:19 PM

normalphil normalphil is offline
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Default Re: Umbrals & Agartha Balance (v3.08)

My SP EA Agartha experience had been literally this, every single time:

Stay alive long enough to summon armies of Earth Elementals, Magma Children, and Umbrals. Use conventional troops as placeholders, with heavy Oracle support to make sure they don't automatically lose every fight they get in, regardless the odds.

Frankly the EA Agarthan national army stinks. It can't deal damage, it routs easy, and anything other than pure Seal Gaurdian forces with a heavy fire bless to jack up their attack skill loses fights to independants at even odds or better. Their 'national' force needs heavy evocation and conjuration support as a matter of course, which is why I'm pretty damn sure the designers knew exactly what they were doing when they gave them national spells that let them summon permament earth elementals for two earth gems, five flame-striking fire-creatures for two fire gems, and yes, umbrals for two death gems.

Story-wise, this fits. Agartha hasn't a chance unless they strip Seal Gaurdians from their ancient task and field them against their enemies, and goes down to the halls of the Seal and coax out as many Umbrals as they possibly can and unleash them on the world. It's just so easy and tempting. So that's probably what they did. And then they suffered the consequences.

(And I'd really like to hear the story behind the Seal)
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