Re: Umbrals & Agartha Balance (v3.08)
In EA, There are ways to make Ancient Ones useful enough to center your strategy on, with a LOT of bless and high dominion.
Oracles are H3 and Ancient Ones recruitable everywhere, so you can field large armies of triple-blessed sacreds, with one-round full-field blessing. They are also need not eat so you can take that army anywere without worrying about supply. Start with N8 for regen(not 10 -- sacred mages+berzerk==not pretty), and get Gift of Health up as soon and as long as you can. Add other bless paths to suit.
Avoid COLD. Nothing ruins my EA Agartha day like trying to fight in the snow. It took me quite a while to figure out why sometime my giant triple-blessed army would just get slaughtered by militia or whatever -- then i realized that COLD HURTS. I run heat3 religiously in the EA, just to try and keep as much of the world warm as possible (helps with points for bless as well) Large armies of Umbrals are probably Required in MP to have any chance at all against human-controlled cold nations. It is FAR easier to Cool a key province than warm it up. Remember, the Triple-Bless just makes Ancient Ones VIABLE... not unstoppable.
Anyhoo, IF you can pull off all of the above, you just might be in position to abuse those rotten overpowered Umbrals!
Being able to take umbrals underwater DOES help Agartha compete underwater, something i have not yet fully explored the signifigance of.