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Old May 6th, 2007, 05:31 PM

johnarryn johnarryn is offline
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Default War is Hell 2 - In progress

The game is currently starting.

The map is large - 240 provs, 219 land, 21 water.

There will be 12 players.

IMPORTANT: For the first 20-30 turns, turns will be every 24 hours, with a deadline of 8 p.m. EST (GMT -5). If you cannot make this deadline, do not sign up for the game. Seriously. If you happen to miss the deadline, I will stale you once and, should it occur again, your nation will be reassigned. If there's an emergency, I am of course willing to be reasonable, but please give me notice.

No mods will be in effect.

I would like to begin by Wednesday, May 9th. Please get your pretenders to me by then.

Current players and nations:
1. johnarryn - Vanheim
2. methel - Mictlan
3. cupido2 - Lanka
4. supox - Oceania
5. atreides - Caelum
6. szumo - Niefelheim
7. digress - Abysia
8. valerius - Rlyeh
9. lolomo - Sauromatia - DEFEATED
10. gameextremist - Helheim
11. stelteck - Kailasa
12. Willburn - Agartha - set to AI
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