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Old May 8th, 2007, 05:50 PM

Loren Loren is offline
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Default Global enchantments

I have a feeling something is wrong in what global gets knocked out when you overpower one.

I have had *VERY* bad luck with taking out my own globals instead of the AI's even when mine are cast with hundreds of extra gems--something I don't think the AI goes given the ease with which I normally can dispel his spells.

Just now:

First: I cast Strands of Arcane Power at about +300 gems. Do either of the AI's two go down? No--it takes down my Gift of Nature's Bounty which was cast similarly powerfully.

Next time I dispel one of the AI's. No problem.

I try to recast Gift of Nature's Bounty, failed. I put a lot of gems into it, also.

He gets off Fata Morgana, though.

Ok, I've got a gob of air gems and I know I'll get that slot from him. Oops--he gets off Purgatory which takes out Fata Morgana, my casting of Fata Morgana instead takes out my Gift of Health.

It feels to me like the game selects a random slot to see if the new one can take out the existing one rather than going against whatever's the weakest.
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