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Old May 10th, 2007, 04:31 PM

Cor Cor is offline
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Default Re: Rohan! version 1.00

Hey, I thought I had the 1.01 but apparently not. The king had a 37 siege bonus.

Good job. I like the king not being recruitable.
Great graphics. Not over powered. almost balanced w/ vinella. I would let someone play this in a MP without a second thought.

Changes I would suggest(but what do I know):

I think the wise women should have old age.

I think Rohan either needs a level 3 priest or a better magic user. Rohan is far too weak in the mid and late game without these. I suggest the preist then it could have a chance at a bless strat.

The starting troops are far better than average and need to be scaled down.

The militia is underpowered, I found that the indy light inf is supereior and come with javalins for the same cost.

Thanks for the mod!
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