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Old May 10th, 2007, 04:35 PM

Eressil3 Eressil3 is offline
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Default Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig

Manuk said:

and that you have not allied with him from before the game started?

Please remember it's a game ! And please don't fall in the conspiracy theory !

If you want the detailed story here it is . There is no big conspiracy behind :

- I'm a beginner. I played in few games and I believe Baalz was not in. I don't know him.

- You (Manuk) sent me an alarming message (turn 2 or 3) about R'lyeh. Something like :"prepare your armies, R'lyeh he's not in a diplomatic mood !!!"
- I found this message rather odd so early in the game. Therefore *I* made the first step toward R'lyeh to judge him by myself.
- R'lyeh seemed pretty diplomatic. So *I* (not him) suggested an alliance to crush Oceania. Sorry Manuk but I don't like to be pushed by strange alarming messages. Baalz answered something like "Why not ? But not now..." He wanted to destroy another nation.

So you see Manuk : you was not pre-targeted by Baalz but by me !

Why ? Because our scouts knows what you're hiding inside your walls !!! Here is a report !

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