Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
I have noticed that diplomatic efforts and agreements often get confused, at least in larger games. What I've started doing is writing down what I've agreed to. Or better yet, use the forum mail system to have something to refer to in the future if need be.
But I feel sort of badly for Manuk anyway, as declaring a 'Yes!' to an obviously confused player regarding normal-ish diplomacy efforts seems rather inconsiderate and reserved for 'win at all costs' sorts of players, of which there are many. It would have been very easy to ask for clarification instead of just deluding the guy, but hey, just my opinion.
Don't let this tick you off too much, Manuk, there'll be other games comin' up. You can always drop out of a sign-up if you see someone you strongly dislike or something. And every lesson is hard. And not because of the mermaids.