Thread: OT : Cooking
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Old May 12th, 2007, 07:09 PM
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Default Re: OT : Cooking

I love making this.

You need
One package of Fat Free Hotdogs (Use 3-4 of them)
One can of vegetarian baked beans (Use the whole thing)
Two red potatoes
Cottage Cheese

Chop up the hotdogs into small cylinders
Chop up potatoes into a couple of flat discs

Put the potatoes into water. Boil under tender, something like 10-15 minutes on high.

Use a good number of slabs of butter into a large flat pan. Melt it. The put the potatoes in face down. Cook them until they get a nice brown shade. Flip and repeat for the other side. Spice with salt and pepper lightly after they're finished cooking.

Put hotdogs and beans both into a pot. All you need to do is warm them up. I use a habenaro spicy sauce and lots of Cumin to give it a nice kick. If you don't like spicy, just use the Cumin.

Serve all on one plate, and add low fat cottage cheese. Don't mix the cottage cheese in, just put it on the plate alongside everything else.

It's a nice low calorie low fat meal.

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