Cooking for the sake of cooking.
Ok, so it's come to my attention that this thread was made, perhaps, in protest of the Politics thread. That's fine, I have nothing against the whole "peaceful public demonstration" thing.
However, it's kind of a shame if it can't be a good thread on it's own merits.
Food is as important a thing as religion or music or war, culturally, and-since the other three elements are pretty integral and vital parts of the game-(and if you don't think music is, well I kind of feel sorry for you, sitting there playing all muted in an empty room with nothing good to listen to.) well, why not a serious discussion of food?
It's an important aspect of life that has changed and evolved, and learning about it teaches us something about how people used to live. They didn't do all that hunting and raiding and worshipping for laughs, they did it to help them eat.
You've sailed off the edge of the map--here there be badgers!