Yrkoon said:
As soon as the battle starts, before anything happens, I click on the shamen just to see and - surprise - they have "charge body" on them. But not resist lightning 100%.
It appears that some of the effects of the magic items carried by the communion master also affect the communion slaves. Some, but not all ... weird.
Charge body is autocast at the start of the battle, the matrixes makes it affect slaves too like if the master had cast it manually. The lightning resistance is not a spell that is autocast at start of battle - since it shows up on the unit's stat screen even outside battle.
Anyway, I think this is highly exploitable: (...)
I doubt it. You need a crystal matrix and many slave matrixes (unless using pythium communion slaves) - since it happens before you can cast communion slave.
Seems you could give the slave only these four abilities from master's items (since other item abilities show up outside combat too):
-Charge body from the copper plate
-Power of the spheres from crystal shield.
-Breath of winter from the rime hauberk.
-Soul vortex from the Bone armor
needs testing.
Letting the masters cast a ton of buff spells and then retreating works, but you dont need slave matrixes for that.
Manuk said:
Changing a little the subjet. If I have two comm masters will I need twice many slaves to rise magic paths of those two or I will need the same amount like having only one?
One or two or forty communion masters doesn't matter, except the slaves will reach 200 fatigue faster and start to get hurt and dead.