Wish said:
no to soul vortex and breath of winter, but yes to power of the spheres, charge body, and ritual of returning (from that one artifact armor)
Neat to know. Sounds like you've tried it?
MaxWilson said:
For instance, in a test game with an S5F4 caster, 2 communicants took a total of 112 fatigue (8 + 108) when the master was scripted to <Communion Master, Astral Shield, Flame Storm>. 2 theurgs scripted to <Communion Slave> took 23 fatigue from casting Communion Slave, 31 and 41 more from Astral Shield (making 54 and 64 respectively)
31 and 41 from astral shield is *Really* odd. Were the theurgs wearing really heavy armor or something?