Saint_Dude said:
Velusion said:
Fal said:
and how about a 'everyone but LA R'lyeh and Ermor Coalition?
Actually - you guys should really worry about the rush-bless nations before us. LA Ermor and LA R'lyeh take awhile to "mature" - you usually don't have much to worry about them in the early game.
Sounds like a good reason to take them out early, no?
That's a bit like changing your oil while your car is on fire. Preventive maintenance is always a good idea but ignoring the immediate threat of the fire is foolish.
But hey, if someone wants to pick a fight without even trying to be diplomatic please do go ahead and post here - I'll remember to immediately switch to kamikaze mode when we meet

To all those who can at least discuss peace, you'll find me receptive.