Thread: 3.08 Unit stats
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Old May 17th, 2007, 12:12 AM
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Default Re: 3.08 Unit stats

Thank you. What convenient timing!

What is an ODS file and how does one read it?
And congratulations on the largest Excel spreadsheet I have ever seen. It is 4 times larger than any I have ever had to work with. Whew!

Lastly, if the Devs have it in their hearts, it would be nice to have the "Who has threatened me with war" data incorporated into one of the currently existing screens (Pretender list, charts or national sitrep). I try to remember those things but invariably forget. And my little notes to myself disappear into the clutter of my desk after a day or so. The only games I play are against the AI, so I have no one to remind me :-)

Hey< I just noticed...after about 6 years, I finally made Sergeant!

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Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; if it dies there, no constitution, no law, no court can save it. Judge Learned Hand
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