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Old May 19th, 2007, 01:59 AM
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Default Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)

Gandalf Parker said:
Heehee. If the game is "broken" its because I broke it.
Making an "all nations" mod creates something very different than the devs wanted. I will let them know of the quirks we see but I wouldnt expect any kind of "fix" to show up.

We expected a different game. Its different.
Gee - either the devs, or the more vocal of their assistants, assured that all the nations could be played at once. I remember, "You just need a trivial mod to play them all" being said. My attitude was, "No, we have _fewer_ nations to choose from (in part because of the lack of themes)", but again, "it's okay - a simple mod fixes that".

You'd think it was american politics instead of indie game development. Feh. We have _less_ variety within a game, and more bugs.
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