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Old May 20th, 2007, 11:04 PM

Fate Fate is offline
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Default Re: Perpetuality - The 62 Player MegaGame (Signup)

I think it is never too soon to start a global dispelling alliance, hmmm? Especially one specifically targeting Utterdark/BoT/etc...?

Nations which join and don't cast taboo spells, especially Utterdark, may compete for globals normally. Nations who haven't joined and cast a global or nations who cast a "bad" global will be targeted for collected dispellation (preferably by a high astral pretender/unit with 100+ gems from multiple players, to come as close to a guarantee as possible). Dues consist of:

A) Dispelling bad globals, or globals from nations outside the alliance.

B) Donating astral gems to a dispellation.

C) Attacking or casting damaging spells on banned nations (nations which cast bad globals).

D) Paying dues, preferably in gems or cash (as it can be transfered easiest), which will be split between the nations that dispell or attack. Dues are proportional to the number of enemy nations, and so will start at 0.

What exactly constitutes dues, and which spells will be categorized as bad are up for discussion.

Obviously, someone needs to regulate this alliance (I am willing to start, but I am new to this, so bear with me). A public place to keep records would also be good (so you aren't just trusting what the regulator says, and we aren't bloating this thread more than it already has been). Someone with site skills would be appreciated here (otherwise the group will just grow exponentially).

PM me if you want to join, or if you have ideas, or if you think you would be a good organizer/site maker... (please?)

I will try posting a list of members each turn, unless someone else steps up.

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