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Old May 22nd, 2007, 04:23 AM
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Default Re: Perpetuality - The 62 Player MegaGame (Signup)

Ok, I am getting frustrated. If you check the graphs you will see EA Vanheim spiraling dismally downward in income, way, way below everyone else. This is because I have gotten hit with bad random events in my home province of EA Vanheim (90) every single turn. This turn it was a hurricane.

I don't know what the odds are on that, but it seems pretty ridiculous to me. I took Order 3 and also Misfortune 3. The levels rise at different rates and my home province is at Order 1 and Misfortune 3 right now. I have never seen anything like this - four turns in a row, all in my home province.

I guess it's possible I am just that unlucky. Can anyone help me figure out if I took bad advice going Order 3 Misfortune 3? I've done it before and never had problems like this. Am I just being paranoid thinking I picked up some bug which gives me a bad event in my home province every turn?

I would like to keep playing. Unrest is up to 46. I have lost a good percentage of my population. I don't see how I can recover. I don't want to have to give up on this fun game. Maybe eventually I will stop getting random negative events in EA Vanheim every turn.

Many thanks to Velusion and to others who have contributed to this monster game. I think it's really cool of you to host it.
"When you have to kill a man, it costs nothing to be polite." - Winston Churchill
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