Thread: Tip The Art of Placement
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Old May 23rd, 2007, 12:56 PM

danm danm is offline
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Default Re: The Art of Placement

wouldnt having the 2 bodyguards increse the odds of that square being initially chosen as a target x3 though?

you'd have to add in the odds of the mage getting hit due to his bodyguards being "missed"

assumed targetting process:
pick target unit. (1x mage +2x guards)
determine Target square.
determine square actually hit. (assume good accuracy)
determine unit hit in that square (if any -- guards "pay back" here 1/3 chance of picking mage).
determine if that unit IS hit.
determine damage.

I think it comes out near a wash, but the bodyguards may be slightly counterproductive.
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