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Old May 23rd, 2007, 03:35 PM

jutetrea jutetrea is offline
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Default Re: Some feedback

Just wanted to add to the comments a bit.

Played 1 SP game so far with MA Mict - the nation really is boring. The hero on the other hand kicked serious butt. Possibly almost too much. I finally lost him to a 3-in-a-row smite. This was after solo-ing about 8 provinces though with nary a scratch (1 affliction, recup'd).

The bow is nice, I'd rather not see it leave but possibly something similar yet a bit more thematic? Toned down version of storm of thorns? I'm good with the awe as well.
Possibly jack the hp's a bit and drop the protection to 18-20? That starting 23(?) protection is pretty tough. Although the lowish HP + high prot works well - good for indys, scarier vs nations.

The summons were strangely underwhelming compared to his solo power, but that's to be expected. It was useful for sitting on top of a castle and bringing in allies to actually siege it.

Going to try him as a prophet and see how it effects him. Will his claws be affected by an F9 bless?

All in all he made what seems to be a pretty boring nation pretty fun. Never played Mictlan, but the lack of blood was still wierd..especially with the national blood spells just sitting there.
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