Re: Some feedback
Good comments. I really appreciate the in depth comments Turin. I really do. And they are all accurate, though i will
not make all of the changes.
The hero for Arcos will have a high mr. As do all of the heroes. I know elephants have low mr, but he is just riding the beast. If it dies he will ride another. He has better moves than most elephants because that is consistent with his descr. An added bonus is it allows him to fire his 3 crossbows, then still catch up with the pack to attack!
Ermor-the unintended effect is he does not look like an angel! He is a sad sight compared to an angel. He is small and shrunken. His radiant aura is gone! Air Magic? Gone!
As to the recuperation, I decided that all epic heroes that are not immortal get that ability. Arcos. does not, but he has priestesses that can heal his afflictions. Thematic or not, I made the decision that we will not have crippled Epic Heroes.
"Machaka: Why is he ethereal and doesn´t need his eyes? Powerlevelwise he is fine compared to the other heroes, but some backstory explanation would be nice."
He does not need eyes because he has acute night vision being an assassin trained by black sorcerors. The best magical assassins do not need flashlights! He is ethereal
because many dom III assassins are ethereal AND his skin was burned away and reformed thousands of times, making it less substantive.
"Argatha: Maybe add a research bonus? would fit with the sage theme of the statue." Agreed and done.
"Abysia: awesome!" Thank you.
"Caelum: Very cool, typo in the mod file though stealth should be stealthy and shouldn´t he get the animal tag?"
yes and yes.
"Atlantis: Death magic doesn´t really make sense to be forbidden in r´lyeh, since the starspawns get it as randoms, blood magic would be a lot more fitting. I´d also remove the wraith sword since it´s not shown in the pic. His etherealness's is questionable too."
You cannot show everything in his picture. Just because you do not see a wraith sword, does not mean he does not own one. And the fact that starspawns do death magic makes his death magic more thematic then blood. It is more natural for a starspawn to have death magic. The descr says he was banned for casting spells even the rlyeh forbid. Just because the rlyeh have limited death magic, does not mean they are open to all of its potential uses. He was not outcast for knowing death magic, but putting it to forbidden uses.
Atlantis is another of those "weaker" races, and that is why he is ethereal. It is not that big a deal, as he has astral magic and can cast it anyway. Maybe he found a way to keep it up permanently.
I renamed Ulm's lance and removed his poison resist. He has death magic because of his dark past that is hinted at in his descr. He has partial fire resist because he is a master smith and works around forges a lot.
I added a more thematic ranged attack for the Blood-Cursed Champion.
Tien Chi's weapons/armor were removed. We are getting ready to play a mp game, and the good Dr. is playing Tien Chi. So we can get a better idea of his abilities in a mp setting soon.
Marignon slots fixed, and he was given the 3 map moves.
"War is an art and as such is not susceptible of explanation by fixed formula."
- General George Patton Jr.