Lazy_Perfectionist said:
Quantum_mechani, I'm quite a bit new, also, but that strat may be useful in my current C'tis vs. Ulm game. With a black servant thug, versus PD, how many thugs would you recommend and what level of construction research?
As to specifically which toys, I'll enjoy figuring that out for myself. But I'd rather not sacrifice my rare astral gems before their time. So.. Trinkets enough? Or do I need lesser or greater, etc.
Thank you.
Well, at a very basic level the black servant thug can be done with just black steel armor from construction 0. Regardless of your build, you will want some kind of body armor, but everything else is more or less optional. Ulm has some pretty good PD though, so unless they are setting it very low you might want a helm and shield too, and the barkskin amulet is another very handy option. The one thing definitely do not want to do is replace the servant's life drain weapon, that's what will keep him going during long fights.
HoneyBadger: Ranged weapon wielding commanders are not generally considered thugs, and combining them with any other equipment apart from eyes of aiming is usually a waste.