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Old May 25th, 2007, 01:02 PM

jutetrea jutetrea is offline
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Default Re: Pimp My Pretender

Mobility is key for a raiding Melee combatant - both to flee if necessary/possible, hit rearmost if possible, and increase mapmove. Boots of flying/flying carpet.

Depends on what is available, but affects are good

Fire shield (spell, charcoal shield)
ethereal (spell, wraith crown, robe of shadows, boots of planes)
regen (spell, RoRegen, hydra armor, boots of anteaus, lyc amu)
lucky (lucky charm, lucky coin, faithful)
Fear (horror helm, PicusX2, lantern shield, Aegis)
Awe (AoVirtue, gold shield)
Petrification (Aegis, stone sword)
Air shield (spell, silver hauberk, shield of valor)
twist fate
Re-invig (birch boots, AoResilience, caelum's boots, Rainbow armor, boots of messenger, boots of anteaus, girdle, heart of life, krupps)
Soul Vortex (spell, bone armor)
BoWinter (spell, Rime Hauberk)
Blood Vengeance (spell, Flesh Ward)

Basic stat increases are good
Str (Precious, PicusX2, Barrier, boots of str, brimstone boots, bear claw, girdle, lyc amu)
Atk (RoWarrior, Precious, summit, burning pearl)
Def (cat, CoD (chain of displacement, summit, bracers of prot, krupps)
Prot (spell, invuln robe, marble boots/armor, CoD, bracers of prot, krupps)
MR (spell, skullcap, Anti-M, mage bane, blood armor, lead shield, Rainbow Armor)

If most others are covered, extra attacks are good
Jade Armor
Dimensional Rod
Boots of quickness
stone birds
astral serpent
Dancing trident
Spirit helm
Horned helm
chi boots

Then there's the gift of kurgi

Incomplete list
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