Some random notes
Magebane's nice in a duel-type situation, or when facing MR attacks. It'll eventually attract horrors, but those are essentially duels, and the MR boost gives you improved survival odds. By itself, it's not a mass-slaughter item the way that, say, Sun Slayer.
Aegis is very, very nice. Good stats, lethal shield -- no resists 'tho.
Amon Hotep gives awe, MR boost, and prot 25 without adding to your encumberance -- very nice if you have something else in mind for the body slot, like a Robe of Shadows, Bone Armor, Flesh Ward et al. It's also cursed, so think before you wear.
Blood Vengeance + Luck might save your bacon for when you finally meet a mage who lands Gifts from Heaven on you, or casts Life for a Life. Even this won't help against Banish to Inferno 'tho.
/musing: Soul Drain + strong death blessing ?
Are we insane yet? Are we insane yet? Aiiieeeeee...