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Old May 26th, 2007, 04:48 PM
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Default Re: Idea thread: special provinces, unique defende

Gandalf Parker said:
How about the Forest of Truffles site guarded by pigs?
Forest of Delights with Pans and Maenads?
The Dying Forest with carrion spell creatures?
Mammoth Forest and... mammoths?
The Forest of Endless Streams allows recruiting Enchantress and should be guarded by some with maybe some decent equipment so you have to WORK for it.
Some of these would make for funny additions to the existing defenders of the province.

Forest of Delights, a Pan with a pair of Endless Bags of Wine leading a group of 40 Maenads.
Forest of Truffles, a Great Boar of Carnutes, a dozen Great Boars/Iron Boars, and perhaps a Fay Boar or two.
Mammoth Forest, and a Mammoth commander with a Horn of Valor leading 4 Mammoths set as bodyguards.

Those two are simple enough for me to fill in the details.
As for Dying Forest - I'd rather not go digging for the carrion creatures, and it's time-consuming to do a list of them (the only way to get somewhat random assignment and not e.g. 10 harpies, 10 satyrs and 10 minotaurs as manikins). If I was provided a list of the unit IDs, I'd gladly do it, and I'm sure the lists could be used in other provinces as well.

The Forest of Endless Streams is too unclear. How many Enchantresses should guard it? What decent equipment? Path boosters, Rune Smashers, Eyes of Aiming? I demand a list.
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