Eastern Continent
EA C'tis hereby declares war upon Midgard and LA Arcoscephale.
My fellow nations of the Eastern Continent, if we do not oppose these forces now, when will we? They will stop at no one until they have consumed our lands. They will destroy us one by one if we do not act now. The lizardmen of EA C'tis would rather die than serve under the dark cloud of tyranny that these nations would create. Let us stand together or die together. Let us stand resolute in our opposition to this unholy alliance, for such an alliance is a threat to us all and must be dealt with immediately. EA C'tis will honor our NAP with Midgard. Consider this your first month on notice.
EA C'tis also declares war on Niefelheim and any other nation who supports the unholy alliance.
May Naegoulok, King Dragon, and Udum'ukinna guide EA C'tis through this difficult time.
Learn about Lizard Chariots and Serpent Dancers in the Guide to EA C'tis