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Old May 30th, 2007, 01:59 AM
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Default Re: Eastern Continent

Please Niefelheim, as if LA Ermor is a threat to the world. There are a myriad of ways to deal with their undead.

I fail to see how being corpse worshipers would make us want support. Those two things don't seem to correlate. Of course we do not actually worship corpses, we just see the value of ruling an empire of both the living and the dead. In fact, I am pretty sure Niefelheim even dabbles in death magic. Do not hate us simply because we are better at it than you. Besides, death is a natural process for living beings. Summoning demonic beings on the other hand, something that Niefelheim does, is about as unnatural as you can get. Death magic merely summons those already dead, but blood magic uses innocents to fuel it's devilish practices.

Nations on the Eastern Continent will choose who they support. They can choose some faceless entity across the sea, or someone who is right here with them, experiencing the same things they are.
Learn about Lizard Chariots and Serpent Dancers in the Guide to EA C'tis
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