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Old May 30th, 2007, 02:48 PM
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Amhazair Amhazair is offline
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Default Re: Perpetuality - A quick idea.

Velusion said:

The Ashen Empire is under assault by the triple-uber-bless Niefelheim Giants who rebuked any talk of peace ... That lone "crushing" you mentioned is me buzzing like a fly around the unkillable giants.

I'll probably be out in 15-20 turns.


Now that I've fought a battle and seen it... they have...


There is no way I can kill em at this point.
My only consolation is that they are going to totally **** up a few more of their neighbors after (or during) thier crushing of me... hah!

So... Is the picture still so bleak as you were painting it? I see two dead giants in the hall of fame, and all of Niefels graphs are going down, while yours go up. Surely that must be a sure sign of your impending collapse, right?
Praeterea censeo, contributoribus magnae auctoritatis e Foro Shrapnelsi frequenter in exsilium eiectis, eos qui verum auxilium petunt melius hoc situ adiuvari posse.
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