Thread: Fear?
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Old May 30th, 2007, 05:07 PM
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Default Re: Fear?

Kristoffer O said:

> If your spell only hits part of a squad, does the whole squad have to pass the check?

In the case of 'Frighten' and other single target fear effects- no.
In the case of all area fear spells - yes.
I don't understand, I thought moral rolls were only checked at the squad level. Only whole squads can route, so how does a single unit making a check differ from a squad making a check? Presumably a failure routes the whole squad, right?

Also, I read somewhere somebody claiming that a fear aura effectively stacked with awe because it lowers moral, but that doesn't fit my understanding of how it works. Do the mechanics of a fear aura work the same way (forcing a moral check to people within the radius, but not effecting moral itself)?
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