First off let me say that I really like your thoughtful approach to province design!
I wonder if it is possible to set the scale to Heat+3
For gods yes, for independent provinces no. I really, really, really wish we could use something like #scale_cold -3 to influence a province. The only alternative right now is by using a magic site that influences scales:
562 Desert
frq 5, lvl 0, type Fire, Heat, Death
162 Desert of Bones
frq 1, lvl 1, type Fire, F1, D1, Heat
172 Fountain of Fire
frq 2, lvl 1, type Fire, F3, Heat
154 Plain of Perpetual Drought
frq 0, lvl 0, type Fire, F1, Heat
180 Prison of the Desert Sun
frq 1, lvl 4, type Fire, F5, Heat, Heat
165 Volcano
frq 1, lvl 0, type Fire, F3, Heat
(Pardon the crazy format, but I am having fun with my GAN editor. Just got the feature filters working!

Of course, they could get Golems which is fitting, but should they go SC route? Well-equipped Golems could be an option. Can it be made random? Like if they would discover SC route in one game, but not in another. If it can be set so that there're 8 nicely equipped Golems (50% - 8 Golems, 50% - no Golems at all), that will be a nice idea
Sort of possible. You can set it so that there are 50% - 8 Golems with each having some/lots/no equipment. But if you chance any equipment, there has to be a commander set to assign it to. There are tricks that you can use like setting a placeholder commander before a golem that will catch any equipment that the golem would have gotten. In this way you can leave each golem at 50%, but any equipment that comes into play would show up on the alternate commander as long as he had the slots. Not a great solution.
Does anyone know what happens if you assign equipment in a map file for a commander that does not have a slot for it? If it doesn't generate an error, I would guess that the command to equip the item would just be ignored.