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Old May 31st, 2007, 06:09 PM

Yrkoon Yrkoon is offline
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Default Re: How to handle early game(MP) of EA Agartha ?

A double bless earth/nature works quite well with Agartha, if you use ancient ones and ancient stone throwers. With a dormant pretender. High dominion is preferable. Other magic paths paths up to you.

Don't count on the ancients ones only to dish out the damage - you need the stone throwers to do the killing. They have 5 boulders each, doing considerable damage, with a big strength that's even more damage. Even troops with a shield blocking the boulder are likely to get killed. And it works on cavalry too (defense doesn't count against boulders).

The ancient ones are just here to keep the enemy away and act as a wall really. Lots of life, with the bless they have a good armor and regenerate. And you can boost their armor even more with earth spells that agartha can cast easily. You can also boost the strength of your units with earth spells - great for the ancient ones AND the stone throwers (increases range and damage).

For the scales, take heat (being cold blooded and need not eat), probably order because blessed troops and oracles are expensive. The rest is up to you. Personally I don't like death - bad for old units (like oracles) and I like to think of myself as a benevolent god, so no death for me.

If you can get nature indy mages, casting tangle vines is good (lowers defense) so your ancient one will become real killers. But tangle vines are weak with death scale. So again no death for me.

Later on you can cast darkness, which will really play in your favor.
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