Yrkoon: I'm kind of dubious about relying on stone throwers, because they seem to like to wade into melee. Also, the manual describes missile attacks as being *directly* impacted by shields, as opposed to melee attacks where they can punch through. That is, in melee a shield adds its Protection to your unit's Protection unless the hit succeeds by more than <ShieldParry> points, but with missile weapons <ShieldParry x2> is added directly to defense. I do not think thrown boulders can punch through with high damage the way melee weapons can.
I haven't found ancient ones to be all that terrible in melee, actually, so I agree they might work there. The Earth bless helps you hold out until your enemies get tired, and the high strength of Agarthans (especially Seal Guards) does let them punch through shields in melee. A light fire bless helps a lot, too. But even with a high bless, Agartha can't expand as efficiently as Lanka or Helheim.
Don't forget to use Earth Meld to entangle enemies. Don't try to use Darkness against Lanka or Yomi.