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Old June 1st, 2007, 04:32 PM
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Default Re: Awaken Tarrasque?

Uh, yeah. Substitute "Astral" for "Sorcery" in my above post....

(Man, was I asleep when I wrote that?)

I know about the Mind Duel vulnerability, but I'm not really worried about it. Late-Age TC aren't the kings of Astral magic, really. As long as I keep Team Tarrasque away from their pretender (who is a high-powered Astral mage, but fortunately immobile), I'm not too worried.

Oh, and did I mention that I'm playing against the AI?

To be clear: I'm not pretending that Team Tarrasque is an efficient or optimized strategy. But frankly, I think that any strategy involving GoR'ed & empowered Tarrasques is likely to be an exercise in overkill anyway. I mean, if you have that much gem income to spare, haven't you already won the game?
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