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Old June 3rd, 2007, 08:44 AM
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Rytek Rytek is offline
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Default Re: Quickness

Im having fun with EA Pangea. I am using a E9,N9 gorgon.
Minotaur lords with Shrouds of the battle saint makes these into great thugs.

My favorite is Mino Lord with Shroud of battle saint,The Blood Axe that gives a chest wound and beserking (forgot the name of it) Tanglevine shield, Horned helm,boots of the messenger, pendant of luck, bracer of protection (with the earth 9 bless gets 4 more armor) I like the huge beserk bonus they get. After they go beserk they end up with a stupidly high Armor, something like 28.

But really, even just a Mino lord with a Shroud, Horned Helm (need this for the AF modifier) and a Bracer of protection (AF modifier)makes a great thug. Beserk, regenerating, high AF (25+), High hits, low encumberance, fatigue regeneration, and the ability to heal afflictions. All for 15 gems and a cheap gold cost.
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