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Old June 7th, 2007, 03:02 PM

thejeff thejeff is offline
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Default Re: War

That must have been a lot of patrollers to catch glamored troops. Though Machaka does have those priests with a patrol bonus (Eyes of the Lord?)

Jotunheim has also been having a very bad year. On the good front, R'lyeh was dealt a significant defeat or two and seems to have withdrawn from the battle, possibly due to a war with Ulm?

The forces used to hold off R'lyeh however, were not available to battle Pangaea. As a result of that, and a low investment in Jotunheim's pathetic PD, roughly half our provinces are in enemy hands. The white centaurs have destroyed most of my southern forces, including our lamented prophet, leaving only the veterans of the R'lyeh campaign and some new recruits.
Still some progress has been made, though attempts to force a major battle have failed.

Bandar Log has also entered the fray in the south and has brought a large army to siege our southern fortress. Due to the northern war efforts, he has been opposed only by local troops and a couple of brave Jarls waging a guerrilla campaign.

Attempts to use Jotun commanders as thugs have been mixed at best, partly due to lack of gems other than death and nature.

If this goes on, Jotunheim is likely not much longer for the world. Pangaea, particularly, will grow much stronger with our defeat. He was already as large as Jotunheim and will likely gain at least a dozen provinces. We know little of the rest of the world, but this threat is ignored at your peril.
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