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Old June 8th, 2007, 08:12 AM

Eressil3 Eressil3 is offline
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Default Re: War

Thrawn said:
Abysia PROFUSELY apologizes for the death of the large busomed one! We think possibly she confused our lava warriors with slow roasted lizards-on-a-stick.
It remember me a Wyrm named Rock in the Aran newb realm killed by mistake ! May be vfb will get used to it !

Thejeff said:
Attempts to use Jotun commanders as thugs have been mixed at best, partly due to lack of gems other than death and nature.
Happy to hear you had a lack of gems, because in the current state your thugs are pretty scary !!! I'm happy R'lyeh suggested an alliance against you even he's not participating anymore ! I really wonder of what you would be able to do if we let you alive ! (hope this sentence is understandable - my english skills reach their limits here !)

BTW our minister of information must dismiss some rumors about the so called "Pangaean threat" : for sure with the defeat of Jotunheim, Pangaea will grow in size. But Bandar Log is almost as big as Pangaea and will grow up too. We know all that Vanheim was early defeated giving Abysia and Ulm some lands to share too. And we know there is also a war between Eriu and Machaka.

Unless you give up, there still some time before your fall.
Really the jotuns giants are giving me a hard time... And I may regret later some choices I made.
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