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Old June 8th, 2007, 01:10 PM

thejeff thejeff is offline
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Default Re: War

Glad to hear the thugs are scary. Seems to me most of them die to your PD or the wolves. I had plenty of gems, but almost all death and nature. Limited my options and I wasted quite a few alchemizing.

If I'd had another 4-5 turns, I would have thugs ready when you first attacked and more importantly the blood economy started. I've also got 2 nice sites (Forges (20%Construction) and Cedar Pillars (30% Enchantment)) that I just didn't have the research to abuse properly.

Now though, it's pretty much over. You destroyed my main army with only a few losses. I've got a few things left to try, but they'll at best delay the inevitable. Bandar Log will take my southern castle in a few turns and get the Cedar Pillars. It'll take you a bit to actually take the castles, but I'd give it 5-6 turns, depending on when you start the siege in my capital.

Well fought. You hit me at the right time and broadly enough that I couldn't counter.
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