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Old June 9th, 2007, 02:31 AM
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DrPraetorious DrPraetorious is offline
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Default LA Catharcia, Forges of Molech (1.0 Beta)

I'll finish my short story eventually. Here is version 1.0 Beta of the Mod.

Changes (1.0):
* Added Carthacian Irregulars for use as cheap blood patrollers and stealth troops.

* Changed the PD so that's it all hoburgs (used to have weird clockwork stuff.)

* Fixed slots on the demon boar. Demon boar is now 10% insane.

* Gave the Mammon Horror Awe.

* Shrank the pics for the trebuchet, blood priest and blood cardinal.

* Added a bunch more sprites.

* Increased attack skill for the larger clockwork monsters.

* Hero - Ratzinger, the Blood Pope. 4H 2N 3B 2E 1W 1S, inquisitor.

* Hero - Maria, the Golden Maiden. 18 hp metal man with 1H 2A 1S, stealth, seduce 15, illusion and awe.

* Added "molech horror" national summon - is a sacred red clockwork horror that horrormarks people and has a small lifedrain. 13 blood slaves gets you five of them.

* Added "beast of mammon" national summon - is a sacred gold-tinted clockwork beast with awe that spreads your dominion. 10 astral pearls gets you one of them.

Changes (0.2):
* Initial army no longer consists of priests (oops.)

* Bigger clockwork monsters cost more resources and do not heal outside of labs. Trebuchet costs fewer resources and thrown boulders hit harder.

* Nerfed the berg pike slightly. It's now just like a golden spear but not magical.

* Bludvater and bludcardinal (priest/mage/generals) are more lightly armored and do not have helmets. Several units no longer have two shields (oops).

* Added sprites for most units.

* Added three national pretenders.

Future plans:
* National, magic-being-only version of Gift of Reason, if a future patch supports the magic-beings-only #spec field for this effect.
* Finish short story.
If you read his speech at Rice, all his arguments for going to the moon work equally well as arguments for blowing up the moon, sending cloned dinosaurs into space, or constructing a towering *****-shaped obelisk on Mars. --Randall Munroe
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