Re: Worthy Heroes Mod(Version 1.7!Now with less he
A suggestion for MA Agartha...
Give them a hero based off of the LA Ktonian Necromancer. Think of him as a forerunner of the times to come. If I remember correctly, that Skull Staff only needs two death to build. With just one Ktonian Necromancer, I could bootstrap and TwiceBorn all my Oracles of the Ancients. There's quite a few advantages to that, though there are of course some tradeoffs. And I'm also that much closer to that battlefield spell that causes darkness. An invaluable combination. Also makes Revenants accessible. MA does have a little necromantic flavor going on, but its more about the golems, so I'd make this character singular, maybe a bit more magically powerful.
Or, how about a Petrified Olm? This is an Olm that didn't survive long enough to become intelligent, but it certainly did become big before it died and turned to stone. Animated by the Golem Crafters of the Cult, it has lost any magic talents it once possessed. Especially fierce in combat, it is remarkably resilient, gaining greatly from the dominion bonus. Newly reanimated, it has trouble hitting things, but with time the Crafters become more adept at controlling it. Due to its great size, it hits with the force of a small mountain.