Re: Questions about PD and other
One more question, when scouting, do they report correctly the PD troops as well? How does PD work with fortresses? Do they work like normal troops? Do PD troops gain experience?
I just started playing with PD in SP using Arcoscephale (with very very good scales + imprisoned so I had tons of cash)
against T'ien Ch'i. It's pretty funny, the AI pretty much wipes out itself trying to invade provinces with PDs 30+. Turn after turn they try and try and they get killed over and over again.
At first I didn't understand what was happening, it's like he had a 100+ army in one province, suddently he had only 10+ the next, and I was like huh??...
Once I figured out I built walls of high PD and the AI promptly wastes his troops trying to break through... Meanwhile I conquer the rest of his provinces.. What an idiot!
I figure the PD troops have killed more of the enemy than my own controlled troops lol.
Towards the end I hemmed in his capital with a PD 100 provinces, and he couldn't break through the poor sap... Fun to watch his God get killed over and over again just by PD.
I've noticed the AI seems to have this weakness of trying to bang his head against a brick wall (heavily defended province with super troops) over and over again, but using PD to exploit this is really evil, cos the troops regenerate and it doesn't tie up your elite attacking troops...
PD is really great man!!!