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Old June 9th, 2007, 02:16 PM
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Default Re: Global Ritual Questions

Velusion said:
Some late game global ritual questions:

1. I heard that the most gems you can ever put into a global is 999 - is that true? Does that include the base cost of the spell?
True, including base gem cost.

Velusion said:
2. I know ritual casting sites (e.g. Conjuration 20) discount the initial ritual spell cost - do they have any effect on the extra gems spent to boost the power of the spell?
The game was bugged that the extra gems only count if you exceed the normal gem cost without any bonus. I don't think that it's fixed yet. So boni for summons and one-shot spells are good, for globals they're not really useful.

Velusion said:
3. When casting global spells I know each level above the minimum boosts the strength of the spell by 5. Do magic boosting items you are wearing affect this - or does it only look at your innate ability in the magic path?
Didn't we talk about this in the Eventide game? I am not sure, I think somebody claimed that the base level counts towards it. You might want to whip up a quick test game to confirm it.
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